1 With "Number of active desktops" you can change the number of desktops from the default 3 to as high as 10 or as low as 1 !\n You can also set the number of the first desktop as either 0 (most C/C++ programmers and all CPU's start counting from 0) or 1 (for everybody else :)\n If you have "Tray Interface" set to "Normal" that will also modify the number of icons inside the tray. However you can also set that to "None" and you will have NO tray icon for XDESK, or "Simple" for a single icon.\n "Use CPU Meter" will add an extra icon to the tray that will show how much of the CPU is used at any time\n With "Desk Names and Hotkeys" you can give meaningful names and HotKeys to each desktop. You can also change some SPECIAL XDESK HotKeys. If you have a Win95-like keyboard you can also include the special key by checking the "Win" checkbox! 2 XDESK maintains for each user some keys into the registry - some of them are ALLWAYS saved / reloaded (like this here which are ON by default)\n\n However some other settings can be selectively controlled so that for instance when you no longer want to permanently modify HotKeys you can simply disable the corresponding Auto Save !\n\n "Desktop Settings" group controls general settings - number of desktops, desktop names and colors / wallpaper / pattern (but without HotKeys).\n\n The "Rules" group controls permanent rule auto-saving / auto-loading.\n\n The "HotKeys" group is about ALL HotKeys. 3 Mouse-scrolling makes your mouse better than any expensive wheel-mouse:\n1) you press the RIGHT mouse button anywhere over a window which supports "standard" scrolling;\n2) start DRAGGING with the RIGHT button pressed;\n3) that window will scroll and the more you drag the faster you scroll !\n\n "Mouse-squeezing" means that you keep one of the mouse buttons down for some time without moving the mouse and some action is triggered !!!\n You can control the amount of time necessary to keep the mouse button pressed or even disable it independently for left and right button.\n CAUTION - "mouse-squeezing" can be activated "by mistake" sometimes so it's better to disble it if you don't use it ! 4 The AppBar is a very efficient way to start frequently-used application with a minimal number of mouse clicks and it will take NO usable desktop space !!!\n\n "Auto-positioning AppBar" will toggle between a fixed AppBar positioned into the upper right corner and a floating AppBar which you can DRAG anywhere on the screen.\n\n "AppBar repaint optimization" controls optimizations made after desktop switching - the default is to have NO optimization at all BUT that might slow things - even with a fast computer you can move the slider one or two marks, maybe more for a slower computer.\n\n At any moment you can force an AppBar repaint by right-clicking on it's left margin (on the XDESK MICRO ICON !). 5 "Use Hooks" is a very important setting - disabling that can disable other options but might solve some problems under Win95 with some older programs. Under NT however it is perfectly safe to let it ON.\n "Use separate icons on each desktop", "Use separate desktop icon positions" and "Save/reload transparent..." will make each desktop more personalized while disabling them will make desktop-switching faster.\n "Hook Taskbar" will enable "Utilities / Small Taskbar Buttons" and will make possible to minimize a window by clicking a second time on its button in the taskbar (if that feature is not already present).\n "Extend System Menu" will add some XDESK commands to the System Menu (the one you activate with Alt + Space) of all normal top-level windows.\n "Popups follow related windows" can be very important if a program on a hidden desktop generates a Message Box. 6 "Task menu on right-click..." and "Arrange dialog on left click..." will allow you to execute special actions when you click on current desktop button (into the tray).\n\n "Desktop Menu on..." selects how will to activate the Desktop Menu - that menu contains all the icons from a given desktop.\n\n The two HotMouse settings are provided in order to disable HotMouse if you have problems with other special mouse programs.\n\n For each HotMouse combination it is now possible to choose the action that will be executed by XDESK - by default Left+Right will activate the Main Menu and Right+Left wil activate the Task Menu. 7 Mouse-knocking is another feature that can help your productivity a lot - hit twice in a fast sequence with the mouse pointer (without pressing any button) the left or right edge of the screen (like KNOCKING the edge of the screen) and you will go to the previous / next desktop. You can also knock on top or bottom edge of the screen in order to access XDESK menus.\n\n The actions for the 4 possible edges of the screen are now customizable.\n\n Mouse-knocking can also be disabled or customized - "sensitivity" is about the distance you have to move the mouse in order to trigger some action while "max. time" defines how much you can spend between the two hits on the edge of the screen. 8 "Start XDESK automatically with Windows" is an easy way to add / remove XDESK to / from Windows StartUp directory - it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to activate it ! You can also control the delay before XDESK will start so that it will not interfere with other programs from StartUp.\n "Use Applications AutoRestart" will try to save some informations about your open applications when you exit windows - and restore them when you restart !\n "Use Desktop AutoStart" is about a feature that allows other programs to be automatically started when switching to a precise desktop - like automatically opening your browser every time you switch to "Internet" desktop.\n You can customize what programs will be automatically started by pressing " Open AutoStart folders" and creating new links to your programs inside the folders named "0", "1" and so on ! 9 Creation of CD failed on call to DialogBox() 10 Invalid structure size passed to CD 11 Failure initializing CD. Possibly\n do to insufficient memory. 12 Failure finding custom template for CD 13 Instance handle not passed to CD 14 Failure loading specified string 15 Failure finding specified resource 16 Failure loading specified resource 17 Failure locking specified resource 18 Failure allocating memory for internal CD structure 19 Failure locking memory for internal CD structure 20 No hook function passed to CD but ENABLEHOOK\n was passed as a flag 21 Failure setting up resources for CD 22 Failure parsing strings in [devices]\n section of WIN.INI 23 PD_RETURNDEFAULT flag was set but either the \n hDevMode or hDevNames field was nonzero 24 Failure loading the printers device driver 25 The printer driver failed to initialize a DEVMODE data structure 26 Print CD failed during initialization 27 No printer device drivers were found 28 No default printer was found 29 Data in DEVMODE contradicts data in DEVNAMES 30 Failure creating an IC 31 Printer not found 32 No fonts exist 33 Failure subclassing during initialization of CD 34 Invalide filename passed to FileOpen or FileSave 35 Buffer passed to CD too small to accomodate string 36 Write Files(*.WRI)|*.WRI|Word Files(*.DOC; *.TXT)|*.doc;*.txt| 37 Unknown error. 38 " Memory Cleaner" is a new feature in XDESK that will decrease the memory usage of XDESK and most other applications.\n This feature is not permanently active - instead you can set the delay in seconds between two consecutive "memory sweeps" - when this delay is longer the "overhead" added is smaller but also the effects of the memory cleaner are less visible.\n When active (the delay NOT set to 0) this feature will make your system more responsive.\n\n The "Advanced NT memory cleaner" will use an extra method (only available under NT) in order to achieve even better performance!!!\n You can limit when that type of memory cleaning takes place - like instance only when free physical memory goes under 50% of total physical memory (default) or you can make it allways run. 39 HotCorners is another mouse-related feature that can sometimes be very nice - if you keep the mouse pointer perfectly still in any of the 4 corners of the screen some action will take place - by default in the top-left corner the screen-saver will be disabled, in the top-right corner the screen-saver will be activated immediately and the two bottom corners will activate the Quick View window.\n\n HotCorners Delay is the amount of time (1000 - 10000 miliseconds) that the mouse has to stand still in a given corner before starting the corresponding action (but there might be some extra delay before the results become visible).\n\n HotCorners Size is the dimension (1 - 64 pixels) of the active region that represent a HotCorner. 40 "Show nr. of apps / desk in Main Menu" will add in the Main XDESK Menu after the name of each desktop the count of applications visible there. \n "Show preferred desktop in Task List" will show the desktop where a given application is visible (the desktop where XDESK will switch when you switch to that application).\n "Show all top windows in Task List" extends the list you get with both HotKey and HotMouse-based task switching so that now you can also switch between different windows of the same task.\n "Hook Alt+Tab" is provided in order to be disable by NT users that still want the default NT task-switcher (but you can still use Ctrl+Alt+Tab for the XDESK one!).\n "EXPLORER.EXE crash recovery" will control how XDESK handles a crash of the taskbar & tray part of Windows Explorer. 41 "Quick View" is a very important new feature of XDESK - if it is activated globally then a special window containing a "snapshot" of all desktops can be generated as result of your commands - you can use "Quick View" as the desired action for HotMouse, Mouse-Knocking or Mouse-Squeezing or you can activate it with a special HotKey (Win+Q by default).\n\n Another way to activate "Quick View" is to move the mouse over any of the icons added by XDESK to the tray - and this is ON by default!\n\n If you don't keep the mouse over it, the Quick View window will be automatically hidden after a given delay (3000 milliseconds by default) - if you set this to 0 then it will always be visible !